This is called "kanzashi", a folded cloth flower. It's the Japanese traditional hair accessory. This one, made by me is undone kanzashi as I need to put something in the middle of the flower. I just learned how to make it. You can google for the tutorial.
And this is the nice one. These little human-like plush is called "sarubobo". "Saru" in Japanese means monkey [I still remember this word since I was taking Japanese Level 1 Course during my final year of university study] and "bobo" is baby in Takayama dialect. It's the baby monkey.
I found that it is very easy to make these plush, it doesn't need any difficult templates to be cut. It's just a simple rectangle and round cut clothes, and simple stitching. I'm going to make a mobile with these little monkeys for Aryaan to play with. He is now in the phase of learning to use his hands grabbing, pulling, touching anything near him. And I think this one with small, bright color plush mobile is good for him doing the exercise.
I realized that some Japanese people make this as an amulet for protection from bad things. Well, for me, I made this as a souvenir from Japan for myself and Aryaan! (^_^)