I still remember when I spent 2 months at Kampung Kepayang for my confinement, she was the one that really "rajin to help" me in everything! She helped me during washing Aryaan, during I was in the kitchen - helping my Mom cooking, and even when Aryaan yawning, she was the one who'd like to cover his mouth with her hand. Somehow I felt annoyed by her "helping hand"! Ha-ha!
And I still remember when she took some onions from the basket in the kitchen, brought them in front of the TV, and started to peel them. Bersepah! Nak marah pun tak boleh... :P
Anyway, tempat yang dia paling suka "menyibuk" adalah dapur. Hahaha! Harap-harapnya bila besar nanti, rajin menolong kat dapur ye! Tolong yang betul-betul punya! Okay!
Apapun, auntie still loves you lah, dear! Bila besar nanti, senangkan Ibu and Ayah ye!

(Credit to my sis, Nurul Syafini)