July 22, 2012

Ramadhan 1433H

Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan is here, again.
We still have our chances to improve our ibadah.

Let this be one successful Ramadhan, let's keep ourselves close to Allah, Rabb ul 'alamin.

Salam Ramadhan and happy fasting everyone!

July 20, 2012

Bila Bunda Bercerita...

Sneak peek.
Aryaan's books.
He loved 'em.

July 19, 2012

Mod Podge: Photo Transfer

Salam and hello.
Just a quick post. This project has been done last night, I mean midnight. I've been doing some simple research on this photo transferring project for about 3 weeks, and VOILA! I've done it!

HAPPY! And congratulations to me and Imran was the one that really happy with the result. He helped me making this, y'know. Thanks Dear!

I'm thinking of some other things that can be made with this technique.

And this in my new love in crafting!

Till then!