December 31, 2010
December 29, 2010
:: DIY Wedding :: Felt Hand Bouquet
December 5, 2010
:: DIY Wedding :: Veil & Headpiece
The veil might look like this one:
And these are the flowers for the headpiece:
Ooh... I'm soo excited making my own wedding stuff and hopefully I able to manage my time for making this and others in 3 three months time. I can see I have less time for my wedding, 2011 is coming with a lot of work.
BTW, I'll be in Penang on December 11th-12th for the Cleaner Greener Penang Ride 2010 (from Tanjung Tokong to Balik Pulau). And not to forget, the first Jelajah in 2011 starting on this coming January.
Till then!
November 28, 2010
DIY Wedding... Ooohhh!
10 Things that I wish I could make by myself for my wedding:
1. Hand bouquet
2. Wedding veil + headpiece
3. Shoe clips
4. Boutonnière (For sisters and The Groom)
5. Invitation cards (half-handmade)
6. Headband (for Baby Aliya)
7. Ring Pillow bearer (ni kalau The Groom nak bagi cincin la - atau boleh tukar kepada necklace bearer?)
8. Wedding wreath (ni agak mengarut sket la)
9. Hantaran Deco
10. Brown paperbag favours
Questions are:
Do I have time for that? - Well, saya boleh curi-curi sikit masa untuk kerjakannya, atau kerahkan the sisters untuk kerjakan. Buat yang mana penting dan sempat je. Hehe.
Budget? - Hmm... cuba buat yang sesimple mungkin. Kalau sewa atau beli, sama jugak. Kalau buat sendiri, nanti boleh sewakan kat orang lain pulak. Atau commercialize kan benda-benda ni. Hehe.
Design? - Dah ada beberapa design in my mind, and dah terjemahkan dalam kertas. Tinggal nak terjemahkan dalam the real form je. Theme colour, as I put in the previous entry.
When to start? - Well, dah start for some of them. Bunga for headpiece dah hampir siap. Add-ons for invitation cards dah ada template. Next week ada cuti, thinking of going somewhere to get some raw materials.
Good luck to me!
November 22, 2010
October 11, 2010
In The Making ::Pom-Pom Baby Headbands::
I'd spent my whole Saturday with cutting felts, assembling and hand-sewing them into these cutie Pom-Pom Baby Headbands. Afternoon (after getting home from Perkampungan Hari Raya at MIAT) until night [with breaks].
This one is a very simple, single color and pretty. 9 colors available. And as I have not much time working on these, I guess I won't take any order for the time being. People can only purchase what's available in my store. Hi-hi!
And on the Sunday morning, I went out at 6.15am for the try-out at Guthrie Highway. Fourty plus-plus km cycling. As a preparation for the next Jelajah 1Malaysia, Zon Tengah. [Phew! Thank God, I've got my strength back.] That evening, I had club meeting until 11.30pm.
Owh, what a weekend!
With Love...

September 6, 2010
Much more better. (^_^),v,,,
Remember in the last entry, I said I was trying to improve the potted orchid, which I don't want it to be the same pattern with the seller's pattern. So, this is my version. My first version. And I think my mom will like this one more than the previous one. I guess...
Anyway, this is still an unfinished product. I didn't put the leaves of the plant yet. (In a process of ordering a new felt from MsCraft Shoppe. Heee!). Owh, and yes, still have no pot to plant this orchid! Well, I'll find it somewhere - later - after Hari Raya.
Maziah, kau kena tolong aku, okay!!
September 2, 2010
First one... roughly.
How did you guys spend your free time this week? Reading? Cycling? Stitching?
Well, during this week, I've spent my free time for making this potted orchid. Just not to waste my time at home, so, I took that chance to make this artificial plant as a "prototype".
The idea came when I saw a tutorial for making this at, sold at USD7. Instead of buying it, I think I better make my own template. Similar, but I'm still improving it and trying to make other type of orchids - print the real orchid pics and sketch the petals and cut the felt petals and assemble 'em to become an orchid. So then there will be a variation of potted orchids that you can put on your corner table or as a centerpiece. Pretty, don't you think?
July 1, 2010
New thing...
Very cheap, only RM2 for each design, easy to do and got a lot of designs/paterns too. Just need your passion and patient to do this. This lovely in-love cats design was one of the designs I bought. And I've put this one on a pink cardboard, just as the additional romantic effect to the figure. So, this become the portable wall picture. Isn't that nice?
I'll publish 'em when I'm done on this.
So, guys, you can get this at the near night market or supermarket. Be creative and enjoy the day!
Lots of Love...
June 26, 2010
Angels' food!
On Thursday, June 24, a small birthday bash for K.Aida and Maziah was held at Diamond, KL. Bukan apa pun, just a small party. Makan nasi kukus, ayam bakar and ada doughnuts - selalunya orang makan kek, tapi saya beri idea untuk tukar sikit. Instead of cake, doughnuts could also be a surprise. It's sweet as well, anyway!
Big Apple was it. Love it!
12 + 6
Choc, choc and more chocs...
Sekarang, barulah saya tahu, angels makan doughnut rupanya... Hahahaha!
June 24, 2010
Today's special...
Rasa nak datang selalu! Ha-ha!
June 18, 2010
Black and Orange Flower Hairclips
These are new from miss.leli.lott. I can see black and white flower looks great as hair clips. So, I made two versions, black & white and white & black. [Oh, what's the different?]
One was made of black organza and white satin. The other one was of white organza and black velvet. And some beads were sewn in the middle. And I attached the to the barrette clips.
Black & White
White & Black
The Collection
And the other ones, are orange and white. Made of orange organza and white satin. This one looks great on your head too!
Touch of Orange
The Orange
Owh, anyway, I need a model for this. It has to be real on the head, ain't it?
Till then!