May 28, 2012

The Lott's wedding of May 2012

Salam and hello,
Just a pre-post on my sister's wedding. She's the fifth daughter and this is the third wedding in the Lott's family (I am the second and mine was second). The theme colors were cream for solemnization and dark purple with a touch of pink for the reception.

And I've made two veils for her. A simple cream chiffon veil and a simple pink tulle veil. Like always, it became a last-minute project, but this time it was because I've been spending a lot of time with Aryaan. Ha-ha, alasan! :P

Also, a purple-pink hand bouquet, hantaran deco and we, the seven sisters with assistance of husbands and cousins, have been working on the favors for 800+ guests.

The wedding ceremony was simple and those stuff were also simple but I think they were "comel" enough. Just wait for some pics on these. I hope it will give some idea for your wedding.

May 16, 2012

Terima kasih, Cikgu!

Dear Teachers,
I was once a student, and still are, and will always be.
I learned from the best, the best of you.
Thank you.

Your Student.

May 13, 2012

For the mother that we love.

Being a mother makes me understand and appreciate of what had my mom gone through when having us, 7 of us, from the day each of us see the world until today. 2 of us have been married, another one wedding is coming up. We grew up, got married, having babies and became a mother.

For me, each day as a mother is not an easy day. I need to feed my baby, clothe him, take a good care of him, and always want to fulfill his needs. Just to make him comfort and happy. Just like any mother wants to do. And honestly, now I realize that there's a lot to think about. It's only one child.

My mom have seven. All girls! She grew us up, feed us, and did what best for us. And not to forget, she taught and educated us to become a better us. Of course with some supports from dad.

She was, and still, a home maker. She made a better home for us, cooked good food. And again, I know it's not that easy.

So, to my loving mother, Norhayati Sulaiman:
Mak, Leli ucapkan Selamat Hari Ibu, semoga hari-hari yang berlalu itu satu pelajaran pada Leli dan anak-anak mak yang lain. Dan semoga hari-hari mendatang akan kita sama-sama lalui dalam membesarkan dan membahagian keluarga kita. Semoga Allah melindungi kita dan memudahkan urusan kita. Amin.

And also to my mother-in-law, Hanipah Mat, sister Nor 'Asyiqin Lott and all mommies, new mommy, mommy-to-be, this is your day! Enjoy the moments!

Terima kasih, Mak!